951-666-2555 We run a professional wildlife removal business operating in Murrieta, California. We service the whole Riverside metropolitan area, and do much of our work in Murrieta. We are a full-service
Murrieta animal trapping and removal company. We specialize in wildlife only, and are not like a regular Murrieta pest control company or Murrieta exterminator. We use humane methods to
solve wild animal problems in California. We solve the root of the problem, by performing home repairs to keep animals out, and preventative measures in addition to critter trapping
and removal. We offer a variety of services, from animal damage repair to waste cleanup, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We handle several nuisance wildlife
species, including squirrels, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and opossums. We also perform bat removal and bird control services, and rodent control, including poison-free mouse and
rat removal. Give us a call any time at 951-666-2555 to discuss your Murrieta animal control issue, and to schedule a fast appointment.
Murrieta wildlife control tip of the month:
Should I ever poison a raccoon? (The answer should be NO)
Should I ever poison a raccoon? This has been the question of most homeowners who are fed up and tired with dealing
with these foes in their property. But, no matter how tired you are, you must not use an inhumane Murrieta exterminator method of killing
them just like poison them. In this Murrieta animal trapping article, you will find out why poisoning raccoons are never allowed by the law
in most of the states in the US. It is not so common for raccoons eat poisonous substances. You must never put out
a rat poison intentionally to kill raccoons.
Poisoning animals that are not on the label of the product is not lawful and inhumane, you can also cause serious risk
to the other animals around you and to the ecosystem as well. Come to think of it, the places where the raccoons were
seen may be followed by your home pet and they may be poisoned too by merely smelling and licking on the traces of the
raccoons. This may be prevented if you will not use any poisonous substances to kill these foes. There are still other
ways to catch them without hurting them.
Think about it, if the raccoon eats the Murrieta wildlife removal rat poison, that being may leave your property and die in the woods where the animal
wildlife animals are located. The raccoon may be eaten by the other animals as it rots and they too will be ill and die. If it
will not go out of the house, the raccoon might die in some hard to reach places in the house. It will decay and there it will
be smelly all over the house. You will have a hard time finding the raccoon and take it away from your house, if that will happen,
it will rot there and be smelly for a long period of time.
Are you ready to deal with a rotting raccoon in your house? It is simpler to trap it and then relocate it than to look for it where
it rots. Poisoning the raccoon is unlawful if you don’t have a license to do that in some states, but there are some Murrieta pest control companies that
may be of help to you in this concern. You can just ignore the Murrieta animal control regulations, however, raccoons are the primary carrier of rabies and
it will only take 1 small bite to transmit this disease to a person or to another house animal.
To learn more about our Murrieta pest animal removal services, visit the Riverside animal trapping and removal home page or give us a call at 951-666-2555.